Be Aware of Fake Masks
I just want to warn everyone to be careful of fake masks from China.
This box I bought has “Made in UK” written on it.
But when I opened the plastic wrapping and tried to put it on, the straps detached — because the rubber bands don’t even fit for a head of a baby.
Then I took a closer look at the box, I found that the text printed on it is a bit blur, and 3M won’t print the box in that way.
Then I found the best proof that these masks are fake — The straps are stapled THE WRONG WAY!
So those fake mask workers didn’t know that these masks should be strapped on ears, but they staple the way of wearing on the head.
I already complained to the store I bought from, they promise to replace all the masks.
Guys, be aware of the fake masks, take a look at the straps before you buy.